Technology and light. A better pair for a better future.
Download our whitepaper on smart lighting to see how LoRaWan is a game changer in shaping the future of light.
Drawing on our vast experience with LED lighting solutions, MatrixLED’s examines one of the next exciting developments for LED lights in Australia — the Long Range Wireless Network. Utilising the philosophy that the future of technology lies in the Internet of Things, this whitepaper talks about the various applications of this technology:
Smart lighting solutions With the advancement of LED indoor lights, this method has been proven effective on saving and conserving energy costs.
Finest control Communicating via wireless signals while using minimal power and maximum output, LoRaWAN technology can instantly give you a wider degree of control over fixtures such as LED indoor lighting.
Flexible applications From shopping centres, streets, parks, offices and homes, MatrixLED compiles the best usage of this technology in order to better the environment that you live and work in.
![The Merging of Lighting & Technology Whitepaper](